

What is the student/leader ratio?

We will not know the exact ratio until after registration closes, but our goal is to have one leader for every eight students.

Will my student need money?

Your registration fee covers everything including rallies, sessions, t-shirt, all meals, and recreation. The only items not covered in your registration fee are snacks you may want to bring to your host home and any merchandise you may want to purchase from the band or speaker (CDs, books, shirts, etc.).

Who are the Host Homes?

Host homes are people within our church that love Jesus and love students. All are known individuals that we trust.  Background checks and applications are filled out by all Host Homes.

Who will my student be spending time with?

While this is a big event, students are broken down into homes. Students may request one person they would like to be in a home with. Homes are separated by gender and also grade as much as possible. We do our best to make sure every student is in a home with at least one friend.

What if I have a game/practice that weekend…can I still come?

Yes! Parents will need to fill out a Time Away card. You will simply slip out when you need to go and return when you are done. We want you to be at whatever part of the weekend you can!

What’s going on Wednesday night?

We kick ONEIGHTY Weekend off on Wednesday night to give us an early start to the weekend. Students will receive tons of information at the Rally for the weekend.

Where do I drop my student off on Friday night?

You will need to bring it to the church Friday night. We will have volunteers help transport luggage after services to the homes.